Tabià | Tiny house


Il tabià, un antico fienile realizzato in pietra e legno immerso nelle Dolomiti bellunesi, diventa casa vacanza per una giovane coppia di origine cadorina.

La rivista Tiny House ci racconta così:

Tabià in Belluno: Blending Historic Charm with Modern Alpine Living

The Tabià in Belluno, designed by didstudio, is a thoughtful renovation project that honors the cultural heritage of the Cadore region while introducing a contemporary addition in the form of a barn-like structure. The inspiration to preserve the historical elements of the original stone barn and add a new, complementary form stemmed from a desire to create a dialogue between the past and present.

How did the unique characteristics of Cadore and its alpine environment influence your design approach?

Cadore’s unique characteristics and its alpine environment played a significant role in shaping our design approach. The dramatic landscape, with its rugged mountains and serene valleys, called for a design that would both blend into and highlight the natural beauty of the surroundings. The harsh winters and variable climate influenced our choice of materials and construction techniques, ensuring durability and sustainability. Additionally, the rich history and cultural significance of Cadore inspired us to create a design that would pay homage to the region’s architectural heritage.

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How did you integrate sustainability into the renovation process, especially with the use of local materials and craftsmanship?

Sustainability was a fundamental aspect of the renovation process. By using local materials such as larch wood and stone, we reduced the environmental impact of transportation and supported the local economy. The involvement of local craftsmen ensured that traditional building methods were employed, promoting sustainable practices. Additionally, the design incorporated energy-efficient features such as high-quality insulation and double-glazed windows to minimize energy consumption and enhance the home’s overall sustainability.


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Servizio fotografico a cura di Borrella Andres